Affected by UK REACH authorisation?

Under UK REACH all the EU REACH authorisation provisions are retained to ensure that substances of very high concern (SVHCs) that are included in the UK REACH authorisation list (Annex 14 of UK REACH) are progressively replaced either by suitable alternatives or less dangerous substances. SVCHs added to the UK REACH authorisation list cannot be placed or used on the UK market for a specific use after a certain date unless the use has been authorised or is exempt from authorisation.

At REACHLaw we have successfully submitted UK REACH Authorisation applications on behalf of our clients to the HSE and therefore, if you think that you have substances affected by UK REACH authorisation process and do not know where to start, we invite you to write us an email to:, we would be glad to support your company. 

Meanwhile, we would like to invite you to watch our latest YouTube video on UK REACH authorisation where our experts give an overview on UK REACH authorisation process and its requirements, what to consider when preparing an authorisation application, as well as ways to comply according to your role in the supply chain. Additionally, useful hints and shared experiences are discussed during this webinar recording.

Via this link you can access the video: 

If you like the content of our YouTube channel REACHLaw Talks, we invite to subscribe to our channel here:  so that you won’t miss any of our videos.

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