Data Sharing and REACH-like Regulations - Webinar
24th of January 2023
Take part in our webinar
Under EU REACH, the data sharing principles require registrants of the same substance to agree on the data required to develop a joint registration dossier, whereas the costs have to be shared in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory way. The Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/09 establishes rules to ensure an efficient implementation of already existing data-sharing and joint submission obligations, including clear information on timelines and a breakdown of the costs of the joint registration for potential new registrants.
Furthermore, REACH-like regulations such as Turkey KKDIK and UK REACH already in force – adopted similar data-sharing principles as those foreseen in the EU REACH. Despite similarities in data sharing across different regulations, setting up agreements on data sharing for global purposes and/or specific regulations can be a time-consuming and complex procedure from a business and legal perspective.
Join Us
We would like to invite all companies affected by REACH and REACH-like regulations to attend our webinar on “Data Sharing and REACH-like regulations” to be held on the 27th of October at 2:00 PM (Finland time). During our webinar, our speakers will share their experiences and best practices covering the following topics:
– Overview of data sharing provisions
– Cross jurisdictional data sharing
– The 12-year rule
– Conclusions
– Questions & Answers
Speakers: Frederik Johanson, Partner-Sales and Olesia Pochapska, Global Accounts Lead and Legal Advisor